Published Journal Articles

The Performance Appraisal System and Analysis: A Case Study

How Sales Personnel View the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Spirituality in the Work Place?

Business Executives and Professionals Identify Relationship between Spirituality at Work and Job Satisfaction

Work Life Balance a Contemporary Topic: How do Marketing Practitioners Deal with Organizational Support Issues?

Professional and Executives Support a Relationship between Organizational Commitment and Spirituality in the Workplace

A Synopsis of Spiritual Paradigms form the Twenty-First Work Environment: A Perspective from the United States

Health and Wellness Value Creation for Human Resource Professionals

Leadership Orientation and Stress Perceptions of American Business Students

Article Name: Click Below to View Article:

Alston Marschke Case Study: GABERIC Confrence
Final Allied Academics Publication
Final Employment Practices: Article 3.10
Final Submit to Journal ABD Winter 2009
IBER Journal Final Submission
JABR Spirituality in the Workplace - JABR - Marschke & Mujtaba
Health and Wellness Value Creation
Leadership Orientation and Stress Perceptions